Most farmers would give the shirt off their own backs if it meant helping someone in need. It’s because many have seen hard times and understand that a simple gesture can make a world of difference. We always need our farmers who sustain our nation, it’s important to realise they sometimes need us too. While our Aussie farmers are pretty tough, just because they can handle a lot doesn’t mean they should have to do it alone.
The frequency and severity of natural disasters, along with other crises and challenges, mean many farmers are at risk of losing their farms or even their lives.
Staggering statistics show us that:
– Nearly half of Australian farmers have felt depressed.
– Almost two-thirds of Australian farmers experience anxiety.
– Close to half of Australian farmers have had thoughts of self-harm or suicide.
– Close to one-third have attempted self-harm or suicide.
– One farmer completes suicide every 10 days. This is 59% higher than the rate among non-farmers.
Help us turn this around.
Flanno for a Farmer is a great way to let Aussie farmers know that we’ve got their backs. By raising a few dollars and donning your finest flanno on Friday August 23, you’ll be supporting farmers impacted by natural disasters, mental wellbeing issues, and the rising costs of primary production.