The Dayboro Bakery
Hi 🥧 enthusiasts another week and another 🥧 review. This time a short road trip up the Bruce then a slight detour west bound. This review has been about 6 months in the making and to say I was super excited about this one was a massive understatement. The place I was visiting has absolute legendary status and considered one of the best bakery’s in the state. Yep folks I’m talking about the The Dayboro Bakery.
This bakery has been around for many many years but I’m going to tell you the amazing story about its owners Steve & Amanda. These guys have owned and operated this bakery for 3 years but let’s go back to the beginning so bare with me here.
Amanda grew up in Nambour and during school started working for Sunshine Coast Cabs, after graduation Amanda studied Archeology !!! Yep that’s right in other words Amanda wanted to be the female version of Indiana Jones. After finishing with a masters degree in Canberra, Amanda jetted off to the UK to find her Holy Grail !!!
After working various jobs around London, Amanda lobbed at HSBC corporate and quickly met this bloke called Steve. Eight years later they decided to head back to Australia where Steve continued to work in IT and Amanda started working at the Dayboro Bakery on a casual basis. When opportunity came up to buy the place they jumped in head first with ZERO baking experience. Steve then quit his job and him and Amanda began there amazing 🥧 journey.
Those of you that don’t know where Dayboro is, it’s a little town in the Moreton Bay Region. This bakery absolutely goes off employing 28 staff !!!! Yep that’s right a bakery in a little community of approximately 4000 people employing a whopping 28 staff including a team of 7 bakers. The whole time I was there it was crazy busy, people absolutely everywhere and apparently this was a quiet day.
Things were traveling along nicely until COVID hit and Steve and Amanda had to make huge changes not only to keep there 28 staff employed but just to stay afloat. 6 months later all 28 staff are still there and this place is busier then ever.
Amanda knew I was getting a bit fidgety and was super keen to taste there 🥧’s. I was seeing all these people come and go smashing 🥧’s and now it was my turn. choosing a 🥧 to review was a easy choice, Amanda had no hesitation recommending there Lamb and Rosemary 🥧. As soon as I saw it, I knew this was going to good.
🥧🥧🥧 THE REVIEW 🥧🥧🥧
1. Value for Money – At $5.30 I thought for a moment I had travelled back in Doc Brown’s time machine and travelled back to the 80’s!!!! This 🥧 was huge and very deep. The ingredients were incredible. This 🥧 was exceptional value for its size and at $5.30 easily the best valued 🥧 I’ve reviewed. 10/10
2. Meat Ratio – 1 word “chockablock” Absolutely zero room left. 10/10
3. Meat Flavour – Listen to this !!!! Slow cooked lamb, tomato, onion, pepper, mint and seasoning !!!! The flavor was INSANE !!! The meat chunks were massive. It was bloody outstanding. 10/10
4. Pastry – Where do a start here, well the top was covered with seasoning. Super crusty and flakey while the bottom was super buttery and extremely soft. This 🥧 did its best to fall apart but the base and sides held together perfectly right to the last bite. 9.5/10
5. Temperature – Absolutely perfect temperature. Absolutely zero complaints 10/10
🥧🥧 Overall Rating 49.5/50 🥧🥧
This 🥧 was AWESOME !!! All 5 categories were almost perfect. The price point is off the charts, the 🥧 was completely full, the flavor and pastry were insane and the temperature was spot on. Yes it’s a high score but seriously words cannot describe how much I enjoyed this 🥧.
I’ve gotta mentioned the plan steak 🥧. I road tested that one too and wow it didn’t disappoint. Now going back to Doc Brown’s time machine this 🥧 is defiantly stuck in the 80’s possibly 90’s with a price tag at $4.50 !!!
Looking after 28 staff, opening 5am to 5pm 7 days a week, book keeping, payroll, board member on the BAA, raising teenage kids & a gun touch footballer player Amanda & Steve have zero time to scratch themselves but both gave up several hours of their precious time chatting to me and I’m truly grateful. This was up there with one of the best reviews I’ve done. Taking the score completely out of it, the story behind the success and the journey travelled to get to to this success blew me away.
Hard work and success don’t come easily and these guys deserve all the success that comes there way. Another great story of average Aussies oh hang on !! 1 Aussie and 1 Pom taking a huge punt and reaping the rewards.
The town of Dayboro and particularly this bakery is a absolute must stop. The Bakery has absolutely everything you need and I mean everything !!! Plus heaps of room to sit on the deck and smash your 🥧 and people watch. With so much to see and do in the area it’s a great little road trip that packs a huge 🥊.
I am so privileged to be able to travel around and meet the amazing owners/bakers and staff at so many bakeries across this county.