Mitchell Bakery
After spending a few hours smashing
’s in Miles, we continued on with our road trip and made our way further west. On our way out to Mitchell we stopped into the new Mucka Bup for a couple of
’s. I’ve gotta give a huge shout out to the owners !!! The new pub looks awesome and well worth the stop over.

Upon arriving in Mitchell we set up camp at the Neil Turner Weir. For all you non Queenslanders Mitchell is situated about 6 hours west of Brisbane, with a population of just over a 1000, this place packs a real punch. Tomorrow was going to be a cracking day, I’d lined up a review at a bakery where I first came up with this crazy idea about doing
reviews and blogging about them. I was referring to the Mitchell Bakery.

Mitchell Bakery is so easy to find, easy it’s located right in the of the Main Street, on the left heading out Charleville way. Owners Kyle Mansfield and Fiona have owned this place since 2006, but have worked here for many years before that. Kyle started working at the bakery when he was 18 and Fiona 16. The bakery itself has been serving locals and tourists for many years. One of Kyle’s and Fiona’s 15 staff has been working in the place for a tick over 31 years, now that’s incredible.
The town and the bakery in particularly can get crazy busy during the peak tourist (Easter – Sept) season. If your hungry you’ve come to the right place. This place not only serves the best
’s, but also dishes up favorites such as chicken Schnitzels and fish and chips !!!!

As usual I got the general tour of the place and gee this place was massive. The building kept on going and going, but it was finally time to dig in and get started. I’d chosen one of Kyle’s Pepper Steak
’s this was the same flavored
I had 2 years earlier and I was hoping nothing had changed.

1. Value for Money – $5.60 was very good value for this
. The depth was terrific and this thing was quite heavy. Very well priced. 9/10

2. Meat Ratio – Once again this is another bakery that hasn’t skimped on the meat to
ratio. This
was very full, maybe a smidge more room, but overall excellent value. 9/10

3. Meat Flavour – Not bad at all. The meat was cooked great and was very tender. The gravy sauce was also terrific. The pepper content was a tad light on for my liking. I generally like my pepper
’s on the hot side, doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy it, I would have preferred a tad more pepper taste, but that’s just me. Overall pretty good. 8/10

4. Pastry – This was actually very good. The top bake was perfect and the bottom wasn’t far from that. Stability was up there, with only minimal and I mean minimal spillage. The pastry also beautiful flavor to top it all off. 9.5/10
5. Temperature – Very good, maybe a little hot for my liking but only a tad. Didn’t take long to smash this

Overall Rating

As it did nearly 2 years earlier this
didn’t disappoint. The $5.60 price point and pastry were the clear standouts. I’ve been to this bakery a few times now and never had a bad experience. Everything is made from scratch and sourced locally. Every one of the 15 employees here is also local through and through. Like many country bakeries this place relies heavily on the winter tourist trade, so please make this little town and this bakery a must stop over and tell them Pyney sent ya.

Mitchell itself is a great little town. It may be small, but it’s a great place to relax for a few days and do nothing. The Neil Turner Weir has ample room for camping, while the artesian spa in town is defiantly worth a visit.
Lastly to Kyle and Fiona you guys are dead set champions. Running a business whilst raising a young family can be a juggling act at the best of times and you two legends are world class jugglers !!! The crazy, stupid hours both of you work is insane and how you have both done this for over 15 years at the helm is incredible. I say this regularly, but as much as I love trying all these
’s, It’s the people and stories behind the bakeries is what excites me.