Elaine’s Gourmet Pies

2024 🥧 Tour
Review no 24
Elaine’s Gourmet Pies
(Fyshwick ACT)

The search for Canberra’s best pie was well and truly underway. After doing some research I realised I had a number of bakeries/🥧 outlets to visit in the suberb of Fyshwick. Fyshwick is considered the industrial area of Canberra and located in Wollongong Street you will find Elaine’s Gourmet Pies.

Elaine’s Gourmet 🥧’s has been around for almost 30 years and the original owners franchised several stores scattered around Canberra. Then the original owner retired that’s when Melissa and her husband Robert bought the Fyshwick location. Fast forward 25 years and these two are still here and going stronger then ever, along with the help of another lady named Ally. The place has plenty of parking and open 6 days a week from 6.30am.

This 🥧 joint is legendary amongst the tradies in the area and the place gets crazy busy with line ups usually seen out the door. This is a well oiled machine !!! Robert makes up all the mixers, while the girls pump out pastry, bake the 🥧’s and keep the joint running smoothly. As I had three other places to visit, I needed to get to this party and choose a 🥧 to review.

The selection of 🥧’s on offer is very generous, plus you can grab a square or round 🥧 which is also a massive bonus. I was having a tough time making a decision and eventually decided with the “Chunky Steak”


1. Value for Money – $7.95 might be considered high, but this was a fairly large 🥧. The depth and diameter were more then acceptable and navigating a way to eat this 🥧 was going to be a challange. Overall pretty good value 8.5/10

2. Meat Ratio – Excellent ratio here !!! Probably about 95% full, maybe a few little spots here and there, but pretty much full 9.5/10

3. Flavour – Very basic ingredients in this bad boy !!! Jammed packed full of slow cooked beef mixed in a beautiful thick gravy sauce. The meat was awesome and had huge chunks which were incredibly tender. The gravy was really nice and wasn’t runny at all. Great job girls I loved every bite 9/10

4. Pastry – A few things to work on here, but nothing too major. The color, shape and shrinkage were all great and as mentioned earlier the gravy was nice and thick making the stability perfect. The bottom bake and thickness were superb, while the top and sides were a little thick and slightly underbaked. The color of this 🥧 and all the 🥧’s in the warmer were first class. Overall I was really happy with the pastry and not much to work on at all 8/10

5. Serving Temperature – Serving temp was perfect no issues at all 10/10

Overall Rating
🥧🥧 45/50 🥧🥧

This was just your good old fashioned chunky steak 🥧 and it was sensational. Nothing fancy or over the top just a traditional 🥧 and it worked well. The scores were very consistent right across the board and the negatives were only minor. It’s been a while since I’ve had a “Chunky Steak” and gee wizz I enjoyed this one. Great job ladies, highly recommend.

A massive thanks to Melissa and Ally for having me in. These chicks are absolute legends and were heaps of fun which made this review really enjoyabe. They also work damm hard and deserve every success that comes there way. This 🥧 joint is 100% worth the try, so was the chunky steak 🥧 I reviewed. All the best ladies, you will 100% see me again.