2024 🥧 Tour
Review no 52
Bushman’s Pies
(Cairns QLD)
Sept 2024
My time in Cairns was going to be brief, I was going to try to squeeze in as many bakery visits as I possibly could. After doing some research, I realized this was going to be a massive job, as there is a large contingent of bakeries in the area. After making a few calls I had my first bakery to visit and that was
Bushman’s Pies.
Bushman’s 🥧’s has been around for about 13 years and is owned and operated by a legendary fella named Bill. Bill is a Cairns icon and locals have been smashing his products off the 🥧 cart for the last 23 years. The 🥧 shop is located in Scott Street Bungalow and is open 5 1/2 days per week and employs 13 staff. One of the staff members is pastry chef Bianca. The cakes and sweet treats this superstar makes were incredible and her passion for making quality food was there to see. All this food was making me very hungry and it was time to get to the warmer and get things started.
The flavours on this menu are endless with every possible combination available. I stared at the menu board for ages but kept coming back to the same 🥧 and that was the “Tradie” or better known as the “Breaky” or “Ned Kelly”. This thing look sensational and i couldn’t wait to tuck in.
1. Value for Money – $7 was pretty good value for 🥧 of this size and depth. The best part was it was completely full and not a drop more could’ve been squeezed in. I’d have no hesitation paying this money again. 8.5/10
2. Meat/Fill Ratio – Totally full !! Not even a piece a cheese could have squeezed into this 🥧. Awesome job 10/10
3. Flavour – Sensational !!
Beautifully cooked mince, onion, tomato, cheese, fresh egg with quiche type top. The flavour in this pie got better and better with every bite. It wasn’t dry and tasted terrific. Great job. 9/10
4. Pastry – Obviously, the top bake and thickness won’t need to be scored. The bottom bake was the right thickness, but slightly underbaked. The color, stability and shape of this 🥧 was very good. The overall standard of this pastry was more than satisfactory, well done. 8.5/10
5. Serving Temperature – Perfect serving temp. 10/10
Overall Rating
🥧🥧 46/50🥧🥧
It’s not often I review one of these particular flavoured 🥧’s and I’m so glad I did. This was an absolutely beautiful product. The scores were very consistent across the five categories and there’s not much that could be faulted with this 🥧. The flavour in particular was stunning and got better and better with every bite. I particularly liked that the egg egg was scattered through the 🥧 and not a whole egg like most “Breaky 🥧’s”. Great job team this was an excellent product and one I would have again in a heartbeat.
100% add this 🥧 joint to your list of places to visit. Apart from the 🥧’s, the desserts and sweet treats on offer here are divine. One things for sure, is the next time I’m in Cairns I’ll be coming back to smash a few 🥧’s.
To Bill and the team, a huge thanks for having me in and for your amazing hospitality. If I was asked to describe Bill in one word, it would be “Survivor”, he’s been around the traps for a very long time and has been there, and done that, in almost every aspect of the 🥧 game. I was very fortunate to see first hand how the young staff are put through their paces and the time and effort Bill put into these young employees. Bill’s an absolute legend, and it was a pleasure to meet him.