2024 🥧 Tour
Review no 45
Hahndorf Fruit and Veg Markets
(Hahndorf SA)
The overnight stay is Waikerie was sensational, but sadly it was time to hit the road and make my way towards Adelaide and the next stop was the village of Hahndoff.
Located just 25 minutes from Adelaide, Hahndorf is Australia’s oldest surviving German settlement and was founded in 1839. Even today it still has a strong German flavour most evident in the smallgoods outlets,, pubs, restaurants and cafes that line the bustling main street.
After checking into the caravan park, i had to duck across to the road to the Hahndorf Fruit & Veg Market to grab a few supplies. To my amazement this place was massive and had a full on site bakery. So with that in mind I went in, introduced myself to owner Angelo and asked if I could review his 🥧’s.
This place has been in the family for over 40 years and it’s there I met Peter, Maria and their son Angelo. Peter first purchased the land many moons ago and kept expanding and expanding. The place is is impressive and it’s a combination of a fresh fruit market, deli and bakery all in one. The family has plans to add a in house butcher shop in early next year.
One thing that stood out was how spotless the place looked and the food choices that were available particularly in the bakery section. This family are new to bakery game, but gee wizz they are making a great fist of it. The 🥧’s, breads, cakes and pizza’s were next level and the new baking area is state of the art. Angela gave me a epic tour of the facility then I headed over to the bakery section to meet one of the bakers Matt.
They have a great selection of 🥧’s on offer here, which took me by surprise. This week I wanted something a little different and in the end I went for chicken leek and veggies. It’s not often I would go for something like this, but a couple of the staff gave me the tip and said it’s a little cracker.
           🥧 THE REVIEW 🥧
1. Value for Money – $5.50 was dirt cheap. I’m totally blown away at the prices of some of these South Australian bakery 🥧’s, and this one was no different. The size and depth was terrific and you certainly wouldn’t have any complaints. Outstanding value 10/10
2. Meat & Fill Ratio – About 85% full with a few pockets here and there that could have been filled. Overall, pretty good considering the price of this 🥧 8.5/10
3. Flavour – Fresh chicken breast, leek and mixed vegetables, the flavor in this 🥧 was marvelous. The chicken pieces were a decent size and the mixed vegetables was the perfect amount. The sauce was excellent and the 🥧 wasn’t dry at all. Every bite got better and better. 9/10
4. Pastry – The color, shape and stability could not be faulted. Top and bottom bakes probably needed another minute of baking but nothing major. The bake thicknesses were a smidge to thick and I mean only a smidge. The pastry flavour was also very good. 7.5/10
5. Serving Temperature – No issues at all 10/10
Overall Rating
🥧🥧 45/50 🥧🥧
Overall, this was a quality product and one I’m glad I tried. To fair the scores were very consistent and there wasn’t really much to work on. The price point was ridiculously cheap and the flavor was excellent. The pastry had a few minor blemishes, but the color of these 🥧’s was sensational. As previously mentioned, chicken and veggies is not normally my go choice, but this one was excellent. Great work guys.
If you’re in and around the Hahndorf area, this place is an absolute must visit. Yes the bakery food is unbelievable, but you be blown away by the other food varieties, the cleanliness and the customer service.
To Peter, Maria and Angelo are huge thanks for having me in. This was the last place I’d expected do a review and one that gave me massive enjoyment. The hard work and dedication you’ve put into this place is phenomenal and you guys deserve every success that comes your way. Your a bunch of a absolute legends .
Hahndorf is a place everyone has to visit at least once. It has plenty on offer and if your a foodie and love a beer or three, this joint will be right up your alley. The Discovery Parks is 100% worth the stay. It’s not cheap, but the park is a short stroll into town, spotless clean and has a lot to offer.