Golden Bakery

2024 šŸ„§ Tour
Review no 39
Golden Bakery WA Pty Ltd
(Perth WA)

With Connells Family Bakery done and dusted I only had a short trip to my next review, and next on the list was Golden Bakery WA. This was a bakery that had been on my Perth hit list for some time.

Golden Bakery has two locations around the Perth area and is operated by a wonderful young couple named Katie and Chris. The bakery has been in Katieā€™s families name since 1988. The family had no baking experience what so ever when they started and now days between the two locations it employs over 40 staff.

The Osbourne Park location was the one I visited, the moment you walked into the door you are greeted by one of the best šŸ„§ warmers you will ever see. Golden by name, golden by nature !!! The warmer was totally filled with glorious golden products that looked mouthwatering. After youā€™ve been blown away by the šŸ„§ā€™s and sausage rolls you are then hit with an epic assortment of delicious cakes and other tantalizing goodies.

I literally had to pick my tongue up off the floor to continue on with the rest of the bakery tour. Once out the back your are greeted by a huge work space and an abundance of quality equipment that is state of the art. This was truly impressive and watching the staff go through their paces was pretty amazing. After getting the tour it was time to head back to the golden warmer and choose a šŸ„§ to review.

The selection on offer here is massive, with so many flavours to choose from. I was having huge difficulty choosing a flavour, when Katie ask me if I love šŸŒ¶ļø. She then went to the šŸ„§ warmer and bought out a mince, chili and jalapeƱo šŸ„§. Katie said this beast had a decent kick to it, so this was going to be interesting.


1. Value for Money – Look $7.70 is 100% up for this particular flavoured šŸ„§, but this šŸ„§ was seriously heavy. In fact it weighed in at a whopping 340grams which is up there in the weight department. At this weight the $7.70 price tag made this šŸ„§ terrific value. 9/10

2. Meat & Fill Ratio – Absolutly full the the brim and not a spec of room left to fill. Great job. 10/10

3. Flavour – Very basic ingredients, mince, chili and jalapeƱos. The overall flavor was quite nice, but holy smokes this šŸ„§ packed a hell of a punch. With every single bite you greeted with jalapeƱo and chili flakes. Plus donā€™t be fooled the flavor creeps up on you and has a lasting effect. This particular flavored šŸ„§ wonā€™t be for everyone, but I really enjoyed like it. Great job guys. 8/10

4. Pastry – Shape, top color, shrinkage and stability were all absolutely perfect could not fault any of the above. When cut in half the bottom bake was too thick and underbaked while the top bake and thickness was pretty much similar. To its defense this was a really heavy šŸ„§, so having a thickish base is whatā€™s required to keep the stability together. The overall pastry flavor was superb. 6/10

5. Serving Temperature – Serving temp was perfect no issues 10/10

Overall Rating
šŸ„§šŸ„§ 43/50 šŸ„§šŸ„§

This was a cracking little šŸ„§ and at 340 grams it wasnā€™t so little. If you love your chili and jalapeƱos your going to love this one. Look Iā€™m not going to lie it gives you a decent smack but nothing thatā€™s going to send you wild. All the scores across-the-board were pretty consistent. The šŸ„§ was priced well it was totally full, and flavour and pastry were more than acceptable. Itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve had a decent chili pie and this was certainly up there. Great job guys highly recommended.

This bakery was super impressive. Everything you could possibly ask for is here and baked fresh on premises. The cabinet display, particularly the šŸ„§ warmer was epic and up there with the best Iā€™ve seen. It was jammed packed and had a great variety of pies and sausasge rolls. 100% at this place to your own šŸ„§ list, itā€™s a little beauty.

To Chris and Katie a massive thanks for having me, taking the time to show me around and allowing me to share your šŸ„§ journey. You guys have an incredible team and business structure. Seeing the team operate was a pretty awesome experience. From the front counter to the back engine room itā€™s a well oiled machine and thatā€™s a real credit to you guys. Plus itā€™s the only bakery Iā€™ve seen with a full on crĆØche for the kids šŸ˜‚. You have worked incredibly hard and deserve all the success that comes your way.