Exeter Bakery – Exeter TAS

Exeter Bakery

As mentioned in the last review we stayed at Launceston and used the caravan park as a base and explored absolutely everything in the area. This particular day we headed north and wanted to check out the little towns of Exeter and Beaconsfield. Doing the self mine tour at Beaconsfield was something that has been on our list for some time.
The self tour and mine was absolutely awesome. How those two courageous men survived over fourteen days in that tiny cubicle is astonishing.

I was actually planning on having a PFD (šŸ„§ free day) The past week has been a šŸ„§ fest and Iā€™d consumed enough šŸ„§ā€™s to feed a small village. This idea soon changed on our way home when we pulled into Exeter. I grabbed some meat at the local butcher and old mate suggested I give the ā€œJack Danielā€ šŸ„§ a go at the bakery. With that in mind, i didnā€™t need much convincing, so we walked up the the Exeter Bakery to give it a run.

Exeter Bakery is located right in town and has heaps of parking and seating so you can sit down and relax. This bakery has been around a very long time and when I was there I quickly introduced myself to the staff. The place was crazy busy during our visit and one thing that clearly stood out was the highly impressive cabinet display. Gee wiz the food on offer here was outstanding !!! But this visit was all about one šŸ„§.

Easy decision I grabbed one of the ā€œJack Danielā€ šŸ„§ā€™s, Iā€™ve had a few of these over the years so I was pretty excited to give this one a go.


1. Value for Money – To be honest $8 was right up there in the price department. The photos will show it wasnā€™t a massive šŸ„§ in depth, but the diameter of the šŸ„§ was more than satisfactory. I understand these šŸ„§ā€™s are time consuming to make but at $8 it needed to be bigger in depth and sadly this one wasnā€™t. 7.5/10
2. Meat Ratio – Pretty good and so it should be for $8. The middle had sunk a fraction and had a little air pocket in one side. So a little bit more could have been added. 9/10
3. Flavour – It was actually really good. The JD flavour was actually clearly evident throughout this šŸ„§. The meat was extremely tender but a tad on the dry side, this was the only negative aspect in regards to the overall flavour. 8/10
4. Pastry – A real mixed bag here. The top color and bake were very good, but the bottom bake and sides had wet lines. The pasty tasted really nice though and the šŸ„§ didnā€™t move a muscle. A little bit to work on but overall pretty good. 8/10
5. Serving Temperature – No issue here. Excellent serving temp. 10/10

Overall Rating
šŸ„§šŸ„§ 41.5/50 šŸ„§šŸ„§

The score line may not indicate, but this was a nice šŸ„§. Certain areas need tweaking yes, but itā€™s nothing that cannot be fixed and fixed quite easily. I did enjoy the rich JD flavoured sauce. Although it was a smidge dry and that will happen when you pull meat apart, it still had immense flavour to it. The pasty flavour was also very good, but bottom and sides just needed a tad more time in the oven.

Everyoneā€™s šŸ„§ experience is going to be different and thatā€™s ok. Plus the average šŸ„§ legend wonā€™t die-sect a šŸ„§ like itā€™s a game of operation like i do, but these reviews need to be a fair assessment of whatā€™s in front of me. Would I try another JD šŸ„§ from this bakery ? Hell yes, because it was still a good šŸ„§ and Iā€™m sure my next one would have been even better.

The bakery itself itā€™s a beauty. If your a cake/savory lover your going to froth on this place. The options are ridiculous and seriously mouth watering. If your passing through this terrific little town, this bakery is 100% worth a stop in. As always a huge thanks to the staff for having me in.

We are absolutely loving our time in Launceston and surrounding areas. Beaconsfield, Exeter were awesome places to visit. If you havenā€™t been up that way both places are 100% worth the look, especially the old Beaconsfield mine.